Weird Laws/Modal Verb Practice (B2-C2) – Speaking and Grammar

This week’s class is one I made a few months ago to make a more interesting discussion around modal verbs than the typical what can you do/not do in your school or workplace kind of discussion and practice. It’s based around a funny video from Vice which is also of interest to students who areContinue reading “Weird Laws/Modal Verb Practice (B2-C2) – Speaking and Grammar”

Small Talk (B2-C2) Speaking, vocabulary

“All too often someone spoils my enjoyment of their company by talking to me.”― Mokokoma Mokhonoana The first post of this blog is about the most basic form of conversation. Something we love or hate depending on our personality, our mood and the situation. This class is focused on different verbs used to mean talking whichContinue reading “Small Talk (B2-C2) Speaking, vocabulary”

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