St George’s Day Class

I haven’t posted for a while but decided to come back after finding a video that went perfectly with a national holiday this time of year in Spain, the U.K and many other places.

Of course, I’m talking about St Jordi/George’s Day! This is a topic that is popular in Catalunya due to the romantic abundance of roses and books but not many people know about what happens in the U.K; mostly because it’s not that exciting. However, it makes for an interesting discussion and opportunity to learn vocabulary from an authentic source.

The source is a video by JOE doing man (and one woman) on the street interviews about St George’s Day and offers a variety of accents which students will have fun (and some problems) trying to understand. This topic, understandably, is a little controversial and that is reflected in the class which has a discussion on the pros and cons of a national holiday. The video is fairly balanced but be careful looking for St George’s content as now the Youtube algorithm is suggesting I watch a bunch of jingoistic content creators. There are also a lot of mentions of alcohol so this video is better for students older than 16.

St George’s Day (B2-C1 Class)


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